Irish Film Festival Boston eagerly seeks talented volunteers for our two-day drive-in event at the Irish Cultural Center (ICC) in Canton, Massachusetts

We will be celebrating our 20th anniversary with a two-day drive-in event at the Irish Cultural Center (ICC) in nearby Canton, Massachusetts on Friday, October 9, and Saturday, October 10.

Please get in touch with us if you are interested in volunteering on either evening. Help is needed from 4:30pm each night in areas such as ticketing, merchandise and traffic coordination. We will be adhering to the State of Massachusetts Covid Rules including masking and social distancing at the event.

The Festival takes its volunteers seriously and is proud of the diverse and committed group of people who generously give their time and who often return year after year. We would love to have you on our team!

For more information please contact volunteercoordinator@irishfilmfestival.com.